Roles and Responsibilities

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and at William Harding all staff are highly trained to ensure that they know what to do should they have a concern about a child. Every School should have a Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

At William Harding we have several members of staff trained to Designated Safeguarding Lead level, some of these staff members are not class based which allows them to have the availability to support any Safeguarding issue and decide on appropriate support that may be needed for a child.

Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead

It is the responsibility of the Designated Safeguarding Lead, to ensure that all safeguarding issues raised in school are responded to, recorded and reported to the appropriate agency. They must also:

  • Create a culture of Safeguarding where children are protected from harm. Ensuring children receive the right help at the right time using the Threshold Document to inform plans for support or protection

  • Ensure referrals to partner agencies are followed up in writing, within 24 hrs of initial contact

  • Establish and embed a policy and process for recording and storing information about child protection concerns and outcomes achieved

  • Enable records to be reviewed and an overview gained, to support timely interventions and allow prompt follow up, if it is felt the needs of the student are not being met. This includes use of the Escalation Process found on the BSCP website

  • Ensure records are up to date and staff are supported to differentiate between fact/opinion/hearsay and are maintained in accordance with data protection

  • Support staff on safer recruitment and ensure safer recruitment policies are followed. Ensure the Single Central Record is up to date.

  • Ensure records are stored safely and securely and remain confidential. The DSL will share information on a ‘need to know’ basis only and in accordance with the confidentiality policy. All child protection files are held separately from pupil records, with a front sheet and a chronology

  • Create a culture of safeguarding and vigilance within the school, ensuring all staff receive an appropriate level of induction and training to support them to be professionally curious

  • Act as a focal point for staff to be able to discuss and share their concerns, supporting staff to formulate their thinking and be part of planning to address issues raised, liaising with other agencies and professionals to achieve change

  • Be available to staff during school hours and term time for consultation and advice on safeguarding concerns raised. In their absence the DSL will ensure a deputy is available (The DSL and the deputies are both trained to the same level within our school) 

  • Ensure arrangements are in place to support staff outside of these times if students are off site and accompanied by staff or attending school activities during the school holidays

  • Contribute effectively to multi-agency working for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students

  • Participate in strategy discussions and attending Child Protection Case Conferences, submitting reports to the conference, these will be shared in advance with the parents and contributing effectively to core group meetings, or other multi-agency planning meetings and contributing to the Framework for Assessments process

  • Produce an annual report for the Governing Body, detailing how school delivers on its Safeguarding responsibilities and any child protection issues within the school

  • Meet regularly with the Nominated Governor to share oversight of safeguarding provision within the setting, monitor performance and develop plans

  • Meet the statutory requirement to keep up to date with knowledge, enabling them to fulfill their role, including attending relevant training

  • Refer to the police any cases where a criminal offence may have been committed or risk of harm is imminent

  • Retain overall responsibility for the safeguarding of students although tasks may be delegated to other members of the safeguarding team at the school

Role of the Additional Designated Persons

  • Support the Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • The Deputy Designated Lead deputizes in the absence of the DSL